
movin' up in the world

I got the job I interviewed for last week! I am the newest communication specialist for the marketing department of a Fortune 500 financial services company! HR called me just before lunch to offer me the job. I told them I wanted to talk it over with my husband first, but there's no question I'm going to take it.

The pay is better than I expected and the benefits are excellent. Not to mention I will be able to return to 4th floor with the rest of the department - instead of being a lowly temp, shunned to 9th floor! We're still working out my official start date since they need time to hire someone and have me train them for my current position. Hopefully I will be able to start in a week or two.

It's such a relief to have a permanent job. Something you know is going to be there six months, a year down the road. And this means Ryan and I can get serious about buying a house!

Life is good! :-)


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