
chubby rain drops

Either it's snowing outside or those are some seriously chubby rain drops. And to think I left my umbrella in my car - parked almost three blocks away. Isn't that a hoot! Yeah, pretty sure that's snow...

Driving home is going to be just swell too. Everything is under construction lending itself to more accidents than usual anyway... and if there's even a gray cloud in the sky people loose all ability to drive. Arg!

Hooray! A fellow co-worker just offered to give me a ride to my car so I won't get soaked. Those higher up the corporate ladder get to park in the ramps connected to the skywalks or the tunnel. Whereas I, a lowly temp, would have to fight for a spot in the only city ramp downtown if I didn't carpool with friends.

It's really snowing pretty hard now. I just realized I checked the Farmer's Almanac a few weeks ago to see if it was supposed to rain this weekend because we're going camping. I'm pretty sure it predicted a snow storm late April. What an amazing publication! I want to meet the super smart people (or persons) who can tell what the weather is going to do almost a year before. It perplexes me how they can be so accurate so far in advance when the tv meterologists don't know what's going on the very next day!

happy snow day


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