
long time, eh?!

My lack of internet access has made it impossible to update my blog. We finally got moved down, although some boxes have yet to be unpacked. We like where we are, especially now that we're so much closer to family and friends.

My new job is going well so far. It's so hard to believe I've been here for a month now. The first couple weeks were "practice" for when the piece we're working on went live the end of February. There were a few kinks to work out in the process early on, but things are going more smoothly. I'm still learning a lot about the company, the department and my position.

It took awhile to adjust to corporate america. I'm not used to seeing hundreds of unfamilar faces at my office. I don't even know everyone in my department and I certainly won't get to know everyone in the company - there are five buildings downtown! It's not better or worse than my previous experience, jut different. I'm getting used to it.

I'd better be I guess. I have an interview for a full-time permanent position with this company next week. So cross your fingers for me! I never expected to potentially move into a permanent position after a month of being here. I'm excited for the opportunity. I think I can really learn alot about the marketing and communications world here. It's going to be great experience - so hopefully it works out. It comes with some pretty awesome benefits as well.

Ryan is doing well also. He likes his job, although he's not real crazy about having to do it on the weekends. I think he's afraid it's going to cut into his hunting time when season opens. But he's in the world of prescribed fire so he's enjoying himself.

Side note - we went to my parents house last weekend for my friend Jazz's wedding. It was a lot of fun. Very untraditional - but very Jazz! :) She was so beautiful - she's always been goregous! I wrote a poem for their program - all of twenty minutes before we left for the wedding. Not my greatest masterpiece... We got a chance to hang out with some old friends from high school, even one guy who moved away in middle school. Ahhh... good times!


At 11:03 AM, Blogger Emm said...

Hey~ Welcome back! I missed you!
Good luck on the interview...Tucker in corporate america, who would of ever thought??

At 2:37 PM, Blogger me said...

good luck on the interview! can you send me the poem? it was great! thanks for saying such nice things about the wedding. :)

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Tracy Anne said...

Jazz - I'm working on getting a copy of the poem to you.


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