
I just checked my facebook and myspace accounts. It amazes me how connected someone can choose to be to people they know - or people they've never met. My sites are pretty bland. No bells or whistles. Plain jane stuff. No photos (that I've downloaded anyway). It's a little crazy obsessive how much some people get into this stuff. I probably don't even know half the stuff these sites can do. I feel so technology-challenged!


At 1:32 PM, Blogger Abbie said...

Just so you know, I do check your blog every now and then to see if you are still alive. I almost didn't today, but was thrilled to see that you had posted again!!

(Grandma Betty was flipping out - she didn't see the dates on your blog and thought Brian had just had his heart attack. I had to reassure her that it was over a year ago!)

I'm a Blog-A-Holic - can't help myself. It's fun to write about me!



I'll be checking in on you!!!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Tracy Anne said...

LOL... I'm glad someone's still checking! I'd be much more addicted if I had access at home. It's probably a good thing we don't! I check your blogs every day... but don't have much time to post.
That Grandma Betty - you gotta watch her! How's she doin' anyway?


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