
back to school shopping

This weekend I went shopping with Ryan's family. The trip was spurred by the need of my sisters-in-law to go back to school shopping for our niece and nephews. The two boys, who are starting first grade this year, preferred to stay home. Our niece however has been a shop-a-holic since she could speak. I swear her first word was Wal-Mart.

It was interesting. Watching her sort through the racks, picking out what she liked and discarding the rest. We decided if she was a Spice Girl, she would definitely be Sporty Spice. She's not into pink or frills and lace. A girl after my own heart. But picky! Let me tell you. However knowing exactly what she wants will treat her well in the future.

Her mom picked out a few things and asked if I would give them to her - because anything she suggested was rejected. Honestly, I think my niece just felt more comfortable telling her mom the shirt was hideous, whereas she was humored her aunts a little more. Which to me says she's a very polite, mature almost-sixth-grader.

And to complicate things, she's in that in-between stage. Where she's just a little too big for the little girls section, but a little too small for the juniors department. That's always tough.

After six hours - stopping only for a brief half hour lunch in the food court - we called it quits. All in all - a successful shopping trip. I got some cute summer stuff on clearence and slept really well that night.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger me said...

were the stores crazy? i associate back to school shopping with chaotic isles and people. but your trip sounded fun.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Tracy Anne said...

We went to a slightly less popular mall. I imagine Jordan Creek was packed. It's on the "right" side of town and caters to all the high society types who think they're living in NYC instead of the middle of a corn field.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger One Artist a Day said...

i'm only going to post shannonmarye@hotmail.com on your blog, but later when you e-mail me (which I hope is TODAY! :) i will give you my other e-mail. need to change some passwords and such first.
I'm so excited to have your support.

At 1:07 PM, Blogger me said...

yep you win first place. where should i mail the gold medal to?


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