
Not the same

I have really great memories of the county fair back home. 4-H judging, share the fun, water fights, rope pulls, carnival rides, chocolate chip mint shakes... It was always a terrific end to the summer when I was kid. And of course, my county fair was the best fair ever!

Ryan and I were back home for my grandparents anniversary party this weekend and stopped at my county fair. As I watched the truck pull, wandered around the barns, saw my cousin's prize winning chickens and slurped my chocolate chip mint shake... I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The fun had fizzled.

Course it didn't help when Ryan kept saying stuff like "This is it?" "I thought it'd be bigger." After all, his county fair is the best ever - even though he wasn't a 4-Her and only went to his county fair twice in his life.

Maybe it would have been different had my fellow Woody Woody Gopher Ducks been there. Perhaps it's not the location, but the people that made it memorable.

They would have appreciated the million blue-ribbon pictures of sunsets and touring the freebie building.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger me said...

i thought the clayton co. fair was cool too. i heard about spicy things happening when the kids got to stay overnight in the barns. but i was only a daytime observer.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Abbie said...

Oh, takes me back. Of course, I always used my coupons to buy a chocolate chip mint ice cream cone and a strawberry shake!

I remember standing below the Zipper and having a kid puke on us - that was fun!

And who can forget Share the Fun? We go together...I'm in a hurry...My Guy...YMCA... Oh the memories!

Yes, it was the people that made the Clayton County Fair so special. It will always have a special place in my heart!

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Emm said...

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At 1:28 PM, Blogger Emm said...

I agree, found memories but its times like that when I can't find the excitement I use to I wonder if the country side of me is starting to fade.

Who could forget Eldon getting the spinning apple going so fast they couldn't get it to stop?

Or sleeping on hay bales in 90 degree heat praying you didn't wake up covered in shaving cream, tied to a cot and thrown into the manure spreader.

Or weigh in day we Ann and I sat in the barn covered with S**t and drenched in sweat, exhausted from the early morning cattle move and in prances a Gall girl in make-up, clear white shirt and her hair curled as she watched her older brother do the dirty work.....she was standing behind a Holstein telling us how hard her morning was the cow sneezed....if your a farm girl you know the rest :)

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Tracy Anne said...

LOL... I forgot about that fortunate incident in the barn with the Gall girl. Perfect timing. Histarical!

good times, good times!


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