

Yesterday I was having surgery on Monday to fix my deviated septum and remove my tonsils and now I'm not.
The health insurance I have through the paper isn't great, and the insurance through Ryan's new job is better. So we're going to wait on the surgery until Ryan's insurance kicks in the first part of March.
I'm a little relieved. I've never had surgery before, and although it's a very common thing, I'm a little nervous. Maybe I'm just a big wuss. Either way, I'm glad I have more time to get used to the idea.
For those who may not know... a deviated septum means the cartilege that splits my nose in half isn't straight. It's crooked so one side of my nose is much smaller than the other. I may have been born with it or it could have happened by some trama to my nose - I have two older brothers and rode horses most of my life - the possibilities are numerous.


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