
work=busy life=boring

Work is excruciatingly busy right now. I’m slowly diving into the gigantic project that will consume my life for the next two or three years provided I don’t loose my mind and hurl myself out the fourth story window. It’s so huge I doubt why they even asked me to work on it. We’re completely overhauling the four most important education pieces we have. Together they cost well over $2 million to produce each year. I’m going to be very involved in helping my leader with the revision of the first and most important of our pieces. Then my leader and I will independently lead the overhaul of the remaining pieces simultaneously.

To further complicate things I have to wait until they get someone hired to take some of my work load before I can completely immerse myself in this new project. In the meantime I feel like I’m missing out on the important discussions that are helping to shape the direction and scope of the project.

And on the opposite end of the spectrum lies the rest of my life. Outside of work things are pretty much routine. I’m still freelancing for a newspaper back home, although not nearly as much as I want to. Ten points if you can guess what NBA star went to high school in Clayton County (without the aid of Google; editors not allowed to answer either :-). I really miss writing about something other than 401(k) plans and Social Security. I’ve even started seriously contemplating ideas for my book… you know, that one that I’m going to write as soon as I discover what it’s about.

I’m forever playing around with photography. I find it hard to fall asleep amid thinking about poses, camera angles and effects for my cousin’s senior pictures this spring. In need of some quality internet time to create a website of some galleries. Looking forward to our nephew’s birthday party this weekend to take some candid stuff.

I just finished reading Light a Penny Candle and am half way through Love Walked In. My book club is reading Love in the Time of Cholera for February. I need to go to the library.

Babies have kind of taken over my life, according to Ryan. My sister had a bit of a scare yesterday, but both she and my little niece are fine. I’m working on finalizing shower plans with my mom and sister-in-law. It seems like most of our friends are either pregnant or trying. Since babies are the focus of so many people I’m close to these days I suppose it could seem like it’s the only thing I talk about. For those who are wondering – no baby plans for us on the horizon just yet. Ask again next year but I can’t guarantee the answer will be any different.

Guess that’s all. Over and out.


At 2:25 PM, Blogger me said...

maybe if you ever have time you could put some photos on here. :)

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Tracy Anne said...

wish i could. without internet access at home it's nearly impossible to get pictures posted. wish i could.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger One Artist a Day said...

ohhh, nice to know. i'll give you more stuff. i've also had a lot of the prego factor in my life. if you read your paragraph about photograph with the word pornography instead (like i accidentally did) it is super funny.


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