

Boys do the craziest things! I came home from work yesterday to find Ryan had shaved his head. I don't mean used his clippers on the lowest possible setting - he broke out the Bic. While it was a little... shocking at first, I'm getting used to it. Thankfully, his hair grows fast! I'll see if I can sneak up on him to snap a picture to post.


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello my wife,
you will never get a picture of me and my wrinkly head. I took a razor to it again and went against the grain this time and it's much smoother. I'm kind of liking it, thinking about keeping it. It's funny I don't have a receding hair line or anything, I just felt like doing it. Nice Blog, but like someone else said, I'm not sure what a blog is. All these crazy kids and their new fangled words, why when I was there age, I had to walk up hill both ways in eighteen feet of snow to school and so on. Anyways see ya later... Olive juice.

At 2:53 PM, Blogger me said...

blog ....lol

ryan's comment... lol

i can't really imagine it!

At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to respond to Ryan's comment-- Okay, you didn't have to walk anywhere in snow, rain, sleet, etc. You had your two OLDER sisters to cart you around EVERYWHERE!!!
Oh and you look gay with no hair!


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